
State historic tax credits offer up to a 20% tax credit for qualified remediation expenses (QRE’s). In order to be eligible to receive the state tax credit, the property must be listed on the National Register, be eligible for listing on the National Register, or be part of a Historic District.

At the Cherrytree Group we specialize in state and federal tax credits throughout the country with a local focus on New England Historic Tax Credits.

The Plymouth Post Office brick facade, columns and clock tower fully restored with help of federal and state tax credits.
A historic building rehabilitated with the help of federal tax credits.


The federal historic rehabilitation tax credit amounts to 20% of Qualified Remediation Expenses (QREs) for eligible properties.  In order for the property to be eligible, the building must be an income producing property that is listed on the National Register, part of a Historic District, or eligible for listing on the National Register.

Common QREs

  • Walls

  • Partitions

  • Doors

  • Floors

  • Ceilings

  • Windows

  • Stairs

  • Chimneys

Have a question about Tax Credits?

Click below to speak with one of our tax credit experts today!