A 95-year-old six-story office building in the second largest city in Massachusetts is being converted into commercial space on the lower two levels, with residential units throughout the remainder of the building. The 20,000 square feet has a steel structure with cement floors, elevator, and lime stone facade. Finishes include all mahogany doors and trim, mosaic floors, and black marble baseboards. The rehabilitation of the building qualified for a Federal credit of approximately $350,000 and a State credit of approximately $250,000.
Warren founded Cherrytree in 2011 and has spent the past eleven years building a highly specialized tax credit consultation, brokerage, and syndication firm. He has relied on three decades of experience and a law background to focus on the structural and development finance aspects of tax incentivized real estate-based transactions — particularly in the environmental remediation (brownfields), renewable energy, and historic rehabilitation areas.